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Equine Touch/VHT/Canine Touch - Official Sites:

To find out more about The Equine Touch, visit

To find out more about VHT, the human form of bodywork, visit

For doggy lovers, visit the Canine Touch site

Other Useful Contacts and recommendations:

Seriously Tacky - On-line Tack Shop - click and collect available & Popup's - Based in Chesham: 

Saddle Fitting


Hannah Griffiths - West Herts/ Bucks  - 07824 825909

RB Equestrian - Beds / Bucks/ Northants 01908 365 335 


Leatherwork / Repairs and Saddle Reflocking: 

Emma Steels - 07711 344131


Rider Coaching / Rehabilitation 

Hannah Griffiths - RWYM Rider Biomechanics - Chesham - 07824 825909

Helen Southwell - RWYM Rider Biomechanics - St Albans - 07445 240385 

Bach Flower Essences 

Crystal Herbsoffer a wonderful range of Bach Flower Remedies, Flower Essences and Gem & Crystal Essences for personal & spiritual growth that are safe to use on animals as well as humans

The Canine Conditioning Academy - offers a range of courses in total conditioning and fitness for dogs. The unique programme’s are designed to develop canine strength from the inside out. Foundation Conditioning is the key to a fit, healthy, flexible, balanced dog helping them to get the best out of life and reach their full athletic potential is what every they do.

Canine Arthritis Management - Useful informative site that gives a wide range of information on arthritic conditions and how you can help to manage them.

​Emergency Contacts:

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