I have been pondering doing a blog for my website for a while or rather putting down on paper, (ok ... screen) the random thoughts that pop into my head whilst driving in the car coming back from a client or whilst mucking out. It's certainly been a winter to spend more time thinking. I have been doing so much reading of late and by reading I mean quality reading, the reading that makes you stop and say 'wow that is exactly what I am experiencing' and the writer has captured it perfectly far more eloquently than I could, I must share it but then I read something else and am off down another rabbit hole, or I get sidetracked by a client who's horse has a particular issue and off down another rabbit hole!
So here goes my attempt at starting a blog, the ramblings of an insomniac wondering what tomorrow (or is that today as it's five am already) will bring and will I be able to cope with the technology at my hands? Well I've managed to add a picture of the tranquility of Hill Farm Haven a few weeks ago in the early morning sunshine when I was having a ponder at how beautiful and idyllic the snow from the night before was - this was just before we had a week of minus temperatures and yard chores were taking twice as long.
This week we have seen temperatures rise to promises of spring although I am reminded that this is Fool's Spring, we will then go into Second Winter, followed by Spring...of deception, into Third winter and then Mud Season - yep like everyone else who would have thought the mud could get any worse! But then it is actually followed by the REAL SPRING ! So don't pack away your thermals and fleeces and winter rugs just yet we are still in February (just) although I did see a bee yesterday when coming in from the field in my polo shirt sleeves !